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Spanish/English Church
Church of God of Prophecy-Iglesia de Dios de la Profecia

Somos una iglesia fundada para servir a la comunidad. Formamos parte de Iglesia de Dios de la Profecia-Region Sureste Hispana.
Queremos conocerle, venga a visitarnos y hacer de Abundante Gracia su Iglesia.
Todos son bienvenidos.
Nuestros servicios son bilingues ( español e ingles) y para toda la familia.
Los esperamos
Elmer y Sol Shertzer
We are a church founded to serve the community. We are part of the Church of God of Prophecy -South Hispanic Region.
We want to know you, come and visit us and make Church Abundant Grace your church too!.
Everyone is welcome.
Our services are bilingual (spanish and english) and for the whole family.
We see you soon!
Elmer and Sol Shertzer